This is a unique situation because, instead of promoting another author's work, I'm showcasing my own story which I wrote in 25 days. During those days, I fell in love with these characters and couldn't wait to see how their story ended.
Many pregnant teens and women choose abortion when they learn of unplanned pregnancies or their situations seem impossible for raising children. Other women decide to keep their babies and make the best of the situation while others choose the adoption route.
In If Only, Demi chose the adoption route when, at 17 years of age, she learned she was expecting a child. Though she had loved the child's father (David) and they were still dating, she didn't want to force him to give up his dreams. Making a sacrifice, she broke things off with David without telling him about their baby, relocated and had her baby girl without even her family and friends knowing the truth of her situation.
Demi and David each moved on with their lives after the break-up but one phone call is all it took to change their lives forever.
The title will be published February 14, 2015, in ebook and paperback. It is a story which will touch your heart. People whose names I've never heard are reading my story and enjoying the journey. A few have said it was amazing; another - who has read most everything I've published and loved each story - says this is my best book yet.
Am I excited? Yes! Click here to read more about If Only.