Creston Mapes mentioned to me that he thought I would really enjoy his book titled, I Am in Here, since I loved, Nobody, so much; he wasn’t mistaken.
I hadn’t turned many pages when I had become wrapped up in the world of Hale and his family. I’d become almost consumed with trying to imagine what it would be like to see and hear everything going on around me, yet have no way to communicate that I knew what was happening - even if I was scared.
Throughout the story, I witnessed a father and stepmother who were desperate for two different things; I met a young man who knew what being a true friend really meant; I saw a level of courage and faith which is not so common among many people who face insurmountable challenges; I met a man who had been totally stunned by an act of betrayal, yet witnessed his willingness to forgive.
Sometimes during the book, I wanted to put it down because I was scared of what I might read next, especially since one of the main characters had a major issue with Hale. Other times, I couldn’t put the book down, even as I became terrified - feeling as though I was watching something unfold, but unable to do anything about it. I felt so helpless. I kept wondering what would happen, whether anyone would be able to help Hale in his most desperate of circumstances.
I Am in Here has a little of everything within its pages and is so wonderfully told I would have to put it on a level with, Nobody, the first book I read written by Creston Mapes. A few months have gone by since I’ve read the last pages but I’ve never forgotten - and still sometimes wonder - what it would be like if I could see, if I could hear, but I had no way to let you know because I was trapped in my own body. It haunts me because we never know what will happen from one moment to the next. I hope and pray I never find myself in Hale’s position.
Well done, Creston! I Am in Here is another winner!
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Valid: Dec. 10-14, 2023
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